[Math] Coordinates of sector of circle

circlescoordinate systems

I know the coordinates of one point on a circle, this point is part of a sector. I know the angle of the sector at the centre of radius, I know the radius and I know the arc length. How do I calculate the coordinates of the other coordinate of the sector ?


I have quickly mocked up the problem in the image above, please note it is B I am aiming to find.

Angle in rads = 0.262

Radius = 21

Arc length = 5.5

A = (0.5,21)

Best Answer

Same technique as in your other question here.

Let $A = (x,y)$ and let $B= (x_1, y_1)$. Then $$ x_1 = \; x\cos(0.262) + y\sin(0.262) \\ y_1 = -x\sin(0.262) + y\cos(0.262) \\ $$

This assumes the center is again at $(0,0)$.

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