[Math] Coordinate rings in projective spaces. What are they


When $X$ is an algebraic variety of affine $n$-space, then the coordinate ring of $X$ are polynomials restricted to $X$.

But when $X$ is a variety in the projective $n$ space, what are the elements of its coordinate ring?

I know that the coordinate ring for the projective space is given by $K[X_0,X_1,\dots,X_n]/I(X)$, where $I(X)$ is a homogeneous ideal. But what does elements in $K[X_0,X_1,\dots,X_n]/I(X)$ look like? Are they homogemeous polynomials in $K[X_0,X_1,\dots,X_n]$ restricted to $X$ or are they all polynomials $F$ in $K[X_0,X_1,\dots,X_n]$ restricted to $X$, with $F(la_0,la_1,\dots,la_n)=F(a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n)$ for all $l$ in algebrically closed field $K$ and $(a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n)$ belongs to $X$?

Best Answer

The elements of $S=K[X_0,X_1,\dots,X_n]/I(X)$ are perfectly good functions...but not on $X$ !
They are functions on the cone $c(X)\subset \mathbb A^{n+1}$ associated to $X$, which has as equations the very elements of $I(X)$.
For example if $X$ is the circle $X_0^2+X_1^2-X_2^2=0$ in $\mathbb P^2$, then $c(X)$ is the cone $X_0^2+X_1^2-X_2^2=0$ in $\mathbb A^3$.
Unfortunately the elements of $S$ are not constant on the generatrices of the cone, so that the functions in $S$ do not descend to $X$, just as Jyrki and Matt told you.
You can experiment with $\overline X_0 \in S$ in the example above: $\overline X_0 $ takes all values in $K$ on the generatrix $K(1,0,1)\subset c(X)$, so that it does not make sense to attach a value to $\overline X_o$ at the point $[1:0:1]\in X\subset \mathbb P^2$.

So the graded ring $S$ is useless, right? Wrong!
It is a ring with which one can build other interesting rings .
For example the field of rational functions $Rat(X)$ is the subfield of the fraction field $Frac(S)$ consisting of quotients $\overline P/\overline Q$ with $P,Q$ polynomials of the same degree and $ Q\notin I(X)$.
Similarly one can define the local ring $\mathcal O_{X,x}$ for $x\in X$ by adding the condition $Q(x)\neq 0$.
[You might look at this answer for the case $X=\mathbb P^n$ ]
By the way, note that even if you cannot attach a value to $Q(x)$, it makes perfectly good sense to say that $ Q(x)=0$ or $Q(x)\neq 0$.
And this is the source of more usefulness of the ring $S$: it permits you to define all subvarieties of $X$ by setting a bunch of homogeneous elements of $S$ equal to zero.

To sum up, consideration of the graded ring $S$ allows you to cut loose from the ambient $\mathbb P^n$ and be more intrinsic.
And this is the beginning of the Proj construction, which is the generalization to scheme theory of the classical notion of projective variety.

After all this praise of $S$, I must draw the attention to one drawback : it does not depend only on $X$ but also on its embedding into $\mathbb P^n$:
If for example we embed $\mathbb P^1$ into $\mathbb P^2$ successively as the line $X_0=0$ and then as the circle $X_0^2+X_1^2-X_2^2=0$ already mentioned , the corresponding graded rings are $S_1=K[X_1,X_2]$ and $S_2=K[X_0,X_1,X_2]/(X_0^2+X_1^2-X_2^2)$ and they are not isomorphic.

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