[Math] Convolution of two rectangular pulses


Determine the shape of the following function$$\int^\infty_{-\infty} \Pi(4\tau) \Pi(t-\tau) d\tau$$


This function is a convolution of two rectangular functions. I know that the result has to be a triangular pulse, but how do we determine the width and the height of this triangle?

I know that the first term is just a rectangular pulse compressed by a factor of 4. Here's a picture showing $\Pi(4\tau)$ (magenta) compared to $\Pi(\tau)$ (blue):

enter image description here

But what about $\Pi(t-\tau)$? And how do I work out the width of the convolution of the two?

Best Answer

We define the rectangular pulses as follows

$$p_1 (t) := u \left(t + \frac{T}{2}\right) - u \left(t - \frac{T}{2}\right)$$

$$p_2 (t) := u \left(t + \frac{T}{8}\right) - u \left(t - \frac{T}{8}\right)$$

where $u$ is the Heaviside step. Let $x = p_1 * p_2$. When convolving piecewise constant functions, a useful "trick" is to differentiate

$$\dot x (t) = (\dot p_1 * p_2) (t) = p_2 \left(t + \frac{T}{2}\right) - p_2 \left(t - \frac{T}{2}\right)$$

and then integrate

$$x (t) = r \left(t + \frac{5T}{8}\right) - r \left(t + \frac{3T}{8}\right) - r \left(t - \frac{3T}{8}\right) + r \left(t - \frac{5T}{8}\right)$$


$$r (t) := \begin{cases} t & \text{if } t \geq 0 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$

is the ramp function.