[Math] Convolution of two independent uniform Random Variables

convolutionprobability theoryuniform distribution

Given two independent uniform random variables on (0,1), I am trying to computer the pdf for $Y = X_1 + 2X_2$.

So I have a few issues here. The first and easiest to answer being what the coefficient of 2 does to the random variable $X_2$. My gut says that it makes it to where $X_2$ can only take on values between 0 and $\frac{1}{2}$. But the other possibility that I can think of is that the $f_{X_2}(x_2)$ = 2 if 0 < $x_2$ < 2, and 0 otherwise. Or does it only effect the inequality there and it stays = 1, or something along those lines?

Second, and the more complicated of the questions, is getting the boundaries for the convolution. I got this down to be

$f_Y(y) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f_{X_1}(y-x_2)f_{X_2}(x_2) dx_2$


$f_{X_2}(x_2) = 1$, if $0 < x_2 \leq \frac{1}{2}$ and 0 otherwise.

So then

$f_Y(y) = \int_{0}^{\frac{1}{2}}f_{X_1}(y-x_2) dx_2$.

This is where I get stuck. I know the integrand is 0 if y = $x_2$, so do I setup the inequality as $0 < y-x_2 < 1$ ?, or $0 < y-x_2 < \frac{1}{2}$ ? And where do I go from there? I see the examples I look at using two separate integrals after this step so that density ends up with a three-way piecewise function, but I'm unsure of how to get there.

We haven't really gone over convolution a ton in my past courses, and I know this problem can be done a different way but I want to practice convolutions of this variety. So any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Let $F$ denote the cdf of the uniform distribution over $[0,1]$, the common cdf of $X_1$ and $X_2$. Now, because of the independence of $X_1$ and $X_2$, we have $$F_{X_1+2X_2}(y)=P(X_1+2X_2<y)=\int_0^1P(x+2X_2<y)\ dx=$$ $$=\int_0^1P\left(Y_2<\frac{y-x}2\right)\ dx=\int_0^1F\left(\frac{y-x}2\right)\ dx.$$

Introducing the new variable $u=\frac{y-x}2$ we get $dx=-2du$, $\frac y2$ for the lower limit, and $\frac{y-1}{2}$ for the upper limit of integration. That is,

$$F_{X_1+2X_2}(y)=2\int^{\frac y2}_{\frac {y-1}{2}}F(u) \ du=\begin{cases} 0&\text{ if }&y<0\\ 2\int_0^{\frac y2}u\ du&\text{ if }&0\leq y<1\\ 2\int_{\frac {y-1}{2}}^{\frac y2} u\ du&\text{ if }&1\le y\leq2\\ 2\int_{\frac {y-1}{2}}^{1} u\ du+2\int_1^\frac y2\ du&\text{ if }&2\le y\leq3\\ 1&\text{ if }&y>3. \end{cases}.$$


$$F_{X_1+2X_2}(y)=\begin{cases} 0&\text{ if }&y<0\\ \frac14 y^2&\text{ if }&0\leq y<1\\ \frac12y-\frac14&\text{ if }&1\le y\leq2\\ -\frac14y^2+\frac32y-\frac54&\text{ if }&2<y\leq3\\ 1&\text{ if }&y>3 \end{cases}.$$

The density is:

$$f_{X_1+2X_2}(y)=\begin{cases} 0&\text{ if }&y<0\\ \frac12y&\text{ if }&0\leq y<1\\ \frac12&\text{ if }&1\le y\leq2\\ -\frac12y+\frac32&\text{ if }&2<y\leq3\\ 0&\text{ if }&y>3 \end{cases}.$$


Some may find the solution above to be overcomplicated. So let's see what the simple text book solution would be.

The pdf $X_1$, say, $f_{X_1}$ is $1$ over the interval $[0,1]$ and $0$ elsewhere. The pdf belonging to $2X_2$, say $f_{X_2}$ is $\frac12$ over $[0,2]$ and $0$ without it.

So, we simply have to compute the following convolution:

$$f_{X_1+2X_2}(y)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f_{X_1}(y-x)f_{X_2}(x)\ dx.\tag1$$

So far straightforward, indeed. However, when calculating the latter integral, all the boring technical details will come up.

I chose the first solution because in my opinion the boring technicalities - I would dare to say: the same technicalities - emerge closer to and are better explained by the spirit of the original question.


This is to override my EDIT above.

Let's see how intuitive it can be to compute such a convolution. Consider the following figures

enter image description here Obviously, if $y<0$ or $y>3$ then the result of the integral of the product is $0$. (see figures (a) and (e))

If $0\leq y\leq 1$ then the integral of the product is increasing as $\frac12y$. (See figure (b).)

If $1<y\leq 2$ then the integral equals $\frac12$. (See figure (c).)

If, however $2<y\leq 3$ the the value of the integral decreases with $y$ from $\frac12$ to $0$. (See figure (d). So for $2<y\leq 3$ the integral equals $-\frac12y+ \frac32.$

Now, is this really simpler? Do we not see the danger in pretending that computing a convolution is always this simple?