Discrete Geometry – Convex Polygons Tiling the Plane Together

discrete geometrypolygonstiling

I am looking for two convex polygons $P,Q \subset \Bbb R^2$ such that
$P$ does not tile the plane, $Q$ does not tile the plane, but if we allowed to use $P,Q$ together, then we can tile the plane.

Here I do not require the tilings to be lattice tilings, or even periodic tilings. I allow tilings by congruent copies of $P$ and/or of $Q$, i.e. I am allowing rotations and reflections!

I haven't found any example, and maybe there could be none.

Best Answer

There is a tiling of the plane made from regular heptagons and irregular pentagons.

We know that regular heptagons cannot tile the plane.

The irregular pentagon has four equal sides and one shorter side. A tiling of the plane by these pentagons would require two pentagons to share the short side (as they do in the image), but the resulting angle cannot then be tiled by other pentagons, so this irregular pentagon does not tile the plane.

Image via: https://twitter.com/gregegansf/status/1003181379469758464

I think the reference is to this paper: https://erikdemaine.org/papers/Sliceform_Symmetry/paper.pdf

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