[Math] Convex Hull vs Convex Polygon and how to calculate it


I was given some points to calculate the convex hull. So when I try to find that on internet I also saw that a question which has asked what is the difference of convex hull and convex polygon.
According to my knowledge convex hull is the set of points in convex set and polygon is the representation of them in 2D plane. (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG)

However my given points are below and how I tried do calculate convex hull is given below.


$P1=(1,1) , P2=(2,2)$ , $P3=(1.5,3)$ , $P4=(2.5,5)$ , $P5=(3,4)$, $P6=(3,2)$ , $P7=(5,4)$ , $P8=(6,2)$ , $P9=(4,1)$

Tried way

By plotting them in 2D space and going to each point, tried to draw lines to each remaining points and tried to find the internal angle less than 180 while being the largest one among other angles.


I'm not 100% sure that my method is correct. So if someone can please tell me how to find the convex hull by hand (not with programs) and tell me the difference between convex hull and polygon (if my interpretation is wrong).

Thank you

Best Answer

The convex hull of a subset $S$ of the plane is the smallest convex set that contains all of them. If $S$ is finite, this is a convex polygon whose vertices form some subset of $S$.

In your case, the points look like

enter image description here

Start from, say, the highest point $P_4$, which must be one of the vertices of the convex hull (it wouldn't be in the convex hull of lower points). Think of a line through $P_4$ that starts out horizontal and pivots clockwise. The first point it hits will be $P_7$, so that's the next point of your polygon.

enter image description here

Draw the line segment $P_4, P_7$. This will be an edge of your polygon. Now pivot the line, still clockwise, around $P_7$. The next point it hits will be $P_8$.

enter image description here

Draw the segment $P_7, P_8$, and continue in this way until you come back to $P_4$. And there's your convex hull.

enter image description here