[Math] Converting points in arc to a bezier curve


I have the coordinates of potentially any points within a 3D arc, representing the path an object will take when launched through the air. X is forward, Z is up, if that is relevant.
Using any of these points, I need to create a bezier curve that follows this arc. The curve requires the tangent values for the very start and end of the curve.
I can't figure out the formula needed to convert this arc into a bezier curve, and I'm hoping someone can help.
I've found plenty of resources discussing circular arcs, but the arc here is not circular.

Best Answer

Assuming that the arc is indeed a parabola, then the procedures outlined at Convert segment of parabola to quadratic bezier curve and http://www.ams.org/samplings/feature-column/fcarc-bezier should provide the appropriate calculations.