[Math] Converting Context Free Grammar to Chomsky Normal Form


This is an exercise that I had to complete in my class and I struggled a lot with it

&S\to 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB\\
&A\to C\\
&B\to S\mid A\\
&C\to S\mid\epsilon

Added from comments: This is what I have but I am sure it is wrong: replace epsilon productions:

&S\to 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB\\
&A\to C\\
&B\to S\mid A\\
&C\to S

replace unit productions:

&S\to 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB\\
&A\to C\mid 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB\\
&B\to S\mid A\\
&C\to S\mid 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB

replace mixed productions:

&S\to T0AT0\mid T1BT1\mid BB\\
&A\to C\mid T0AT0\mid T1BT1\mid BB\\
&B\to S\mid A\\
&C\to S\mid T0AT0\mid T1BT1\mid BB

Best Answer

One way to see that it has to be wrong is to notice that there are no terminal productions, while the original grammar allows the derivation of $00$:

$$S\Rightarrow 0A0\Rightarrow 0C0\Rightarrow 00\;.$$

I will more or less follow this algorithm, which may differ slightly from the one that you’ve been shown, to convert the original grammar to Chomsky normal form.

Let $T$ be a new initial symbol, and add the production $T\to S$. The next step is to eliminate the $\epsilon$ productions; the only one of these is $C\to\epsilon$, which I remove from the grammar. The only production with $C$ on the righthand side is $A\to C$; adding a new production with $C$ replaced by $\epsilon$ gives us the following set of productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to S\\ &S\to 0A0\mid 1B1\mid BB\\ &A\to C\mid\epsilon\\ &B\to S\mid A\\ &C\to S \end{align*}$$

This introduces a new $\epsilon$ production, $A\to\epsilon$, which must now be eliminated. After removing $A\to\epsilon$ and adding all productions obtained by substituting $\epsilon$ for $A$ on the righthand side of an existing production, we have the following set of productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to S\\ &S\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid BB\\ &A\to C\\ &B\to S\mid A\mid\epsilon\\ &C\to S \end{align*}$$

Once again we’ve introduced an $\epsilon$ production; repeating the procedure that we’ve used twice leaves us with

$$\begin{align*} &T\to S\\ &S\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to C\\ &B\to S\mid A\\ &C\to S\;, \end{align*}$$

from which we have to eliminate $S\to\epsilon$. Note that during the elimination of $\epsilon$ productions we do not add an $\epsilon$ production that was previously removed, so we don’t add $B\to\epsilon$ or $C\to\epsilon$, and this step leaves us with the following set of productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to S\mid\epsilon\\ &S\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\\ &A\to C\\ &B\to S\mid A\\ &C\to S \end{align*}$$

Since $T$ is the initial symbol, the production $T\to\epsilon$ is permissible, so we can move on to eliminating the unit productions. The first of these is $T\to S$, and its elimination leaves us with the following set of productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to C\\ &B\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid A\\ &C\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B \end{align*}$$

(Note that I eliminated the pointless production $B\to B$.) It’s convenient now to eliminate $A\to C$:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\\ &B\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid A\\ &C\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B \end{align*}$$

$C$ is now an orphan: it cannot be generated by any production, so we can drop all of the $C$ productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid B\\ &B\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid A \end{align*}$$

The only thing that $B$ produces that is not already produced by $A$ is $A$ itself, so we can simply remove the unit production $A\to B$, at which point $B\to A$ and then $T\to B$ are also removable without further adjustment:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB\\ &B\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1B1\mid 11\mid BB \end{align*}$$

At this point we might notice that $A$ and $B$ are synonymous, so we can replace $B$ by $A$ everywhere and drop the $B$ productions:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1A1\mid 11\mid AA\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to 0A0\mid 00\mid 1A1\mid 11\mid AA \end{align*}$$

Next I’ll replace $0$ by $V_0$ and $1$ by $V_1$, adding productions $V_0\to 0$ and $V_1\to 1$:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to V_0AB_0\mid V_0V_0\mid V_1AV_1\mid V_1V_1\mid AA\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to V_0AV_0\mid V_0V_0\mid V_1AV_1\mid V_1V_1\mid AA\\ &V_0\to 0\\ &V_1\to 1 \end{align*}$$

The final step is to get rid of the four productions whose righthand sides are too long:

$$\begin{align*} &T\to V_0X_0\mid V_0V_0\mid V_1X_1\mid V_1V_1\mid AA\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to V_0X_0\mid V_0V_0\mid V_1X_1\mid V_1V_1\mid AA\\ &X_0\to AV_0\\ &X_1\to AV_1\\ &V_0\to 0\\ &V_1\to 1 \end{align*}$$

(I think it fair to say that this was set up to be a fairly messy problem.)