[Math] Converting a Parametric equation into a Cartesian one


I was working on converting an parametric equation into a Cartesian one and i cant seem to figure this one out. I was hoping you could help with that for this equation of a cycloid, Thanks

$x = cos(t)+t+\pi$

$y = cos(t)$

I gave you the wrong equation

$x = sin(t)+t+\pi$

$y = cos(t)$

Sorry About that, And Thanks for the many Answers

Best Answer

If the equations are $$x = \sin(t)+t+\pi\qquad ,\qquad y=\cos(t)$$ you have $$\sin(t)=x-t-\pi$$ $$\cos(t)=y$$ $$\sin^2(t)+\cos^2(t)=(x-t-\pi)^2+y^2=1$$ but $t=\cos^{-1}(y)$. So, in cartesian coordinates $$(x-\cos^{-1}(y)-\pi)^2+y^2=1$$ is the implicit equation.

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