[Math] Convert flat interest rate to effective interest rate


My bank currently has promotion on personal loan on flat interest rate which is 3.80%. And there are some minor remarks

Terms and Conditions apply.
Effective rates vary from 7.07% p.a. to 7.15% p.a. for tenures from 2 – 5 years.

Based on the internet search, flat interest rate is based on the total loan amount, while effective interest rate is based on the remaining loan amount. May I know to convert the flat rate to effective rate? For example, I loan 100k for 4 years tenures. I try to apply the formula $r_e=e^i-1=e^{0.038}-1=0.0387=3.87\%$ but it seems too far away from the correct answer. Any help is appreciated.


For example, I loan 100,000 for 3.80% flat rate interest with 5 years tenure. Then

  • Monthly installment amount will be 1,983.33
  • Total payment will be 119,000.00
  • Effective interest rate p.a. will be 7.07% (as the remark above)

May I know how to get the value of 7.07%? Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

As @saulspatz answered, the solution of $$k={1-v^{60}\over i}\qquad \text{with}\qquad v={1\over1+i}\qquad \text{and}\qquad k=\frac{ 100000}{1983.33 }$$ requires some numerical method.

However, you can make some approximation using Taylor series built at $i=0$; this would give $$k=60-1830 i+37820 i^2-595665 i^3+7624512 i^4-82598880 i^5+778789440 i^6+O\left(i^{7}\right)$$

Now, using series reversion, this would give $$i=x+\frac{62 }{3}x^2+\frac{9517 }{18}x^3+\frac{1979939 }{135}x^4+\frac{686499247 }{1620} x^5+\frac{5077158734 }{405}x^6+O\left(x^7\right)$$ where $x=\frac{60-k}{1830}$.

Using your value of $k$, this gives $x=\frac{189998}{36294939}\approx 0.00523483$ and a few terms of the above expansions will very quickly give $i\approx 0.00589$ which, multiplied by $12$, gives $0.07068$ as annual rate.

The exact solution, using Newton method, would be $i=0.0058900057$


For a shortcut evaluation of $i$, we could also use Padé approximants instead of Taylor series. To stay with simple equations to solve, let us use $$k=\frac{1-\frac{1}{(i+1)^{60}}}{i}\sim \frac{60-318 i+3422 i^2}{1+\frac{126 }{5}i+\frac{1953 }{10}i^2 }$$ and solving the quadratic equation in $i$ directly leads to $i\approx 0.00589003$.

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