[Math] Convert a boolean function into K-map


I would like to know how can I convert the following boolean function into a truth table and accordingly construct the k-map

$$F = A'B'C'+B'CD'+A'BCD'+AB'C'$$

thanks in advance 🙂

Best Answer

You can skip making the truth table (or maybe better said) you can make the truthtable directly in the Karnaugh map. espacially now the formula is in Disjunctive normal form (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunctive_normal_form )

For formulas in Disjunctive normal form , you can just plop T(rues) where the products are true

so if you make the karnough map as:

     A' A' A  A
     B' B  B  B
C'D' .  .  .  .
C'D  .  .  .  .
C D  .  .  .  .
C D' .  .  .  .

Then for A'B'C' add T's where A'B'C' is true.

     A' A' A  A
     B' B  B  B'
C'D' T  .  .  .
C'D  T  .  .  .
C D  .  .  .  .
C D' .  .  .  .

Do the same for the other formulas.

Then to end , replace all remailing "." with "F"



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