[Math] Conversion of a complex number into polar form

polar coordinates

Below is the complex number that is to be converted into Polar form.

I'm facing problem in second part of this number(after + mark not the (b) itself).
When I divide them(10/-5+j12) directly, by converting the denominator into polar form and then by dividing the real number 10 with polar equivalent obtained, answer produces incorrectness.
Though, I know the rules for dividing the complex number, but here if the numerator and denominator both are given in their polar equivalents than how could we determine that we have to take conjugate of denominator because polar equivalents can easily be calculated. How to figure out that?

Any more explanation shall be given if needed.

enter image description here

Best Answer


$$\frac{a + jb}{c + jd}$$

Now we can get rid of the awkward term on the bottom by multiplying $\frac{a + jb}{c + jd}$ by 1. and $\frac{c-jd}{c-jd}$ is 1

$$\frac{a + jb}{c + jd} \cdot \frac{c - jd}{c - jd} = \frac{a \cdot c - j^2b \cdot d + j b \cdot c - j a \cdot d}{c^2 - j^2 d^2} = \frac{a \cdot c + b \cdot d + j(b \cdot c - a \cdot d)}{c^2 +d^2}$$

This works because when you multiply any number by its complex conjugate the result is real.

So you multiply the denominator by its complex conjugate to make it real and you multiply the numerator by the same number so you have in effect multiplied the fraction by 1.

To solve your particular example I would first convert $8\angle-20$ to $a+jb$ form because its easier to add complex numbers in this form

$$\begin{align} \frac{8 \angle -20^o}{(2+j)(3-4j)}+\frac{10}{-5+12j} & = \frac{7.518 - 2.736j}{(2+j)(3-4j)}+\frac{10}{-5+12j}\\ & = \frac{7.518 - 2.736j}{10 - 5j}+\frac{10}{-5+12j}\\ & = \frac{7.518 - 2.736j}{10 - 5j} \cdot \frac{10+5j}{10+5j}+\frac{10}{-5+12j}\cdot \frac{-5 -12j}{-5 -12j}\\ & = \frac{88.86 + 10.23j}{125}+\frac{-50 - 120j}{169}\\ & = 0.415 - 0.628j \end{align}$$

Which if you want in polar form

$$ 0.415 - 0.628j = \sqrt{0.415^2+0.628^2} \angle \arctan \left( \frac{0.628}{0.415} \right) = 0.567 \angle 56.54^o$$