Converse of Chinese Remainder Theorem

abstract-algebrachinese remainder theoremcommutative-algebraidealsring-theory

So as seen on this question Converse of the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we know that if $(n,m) \neq 1$, then $\mathbb{Z} /mn \mathbb{Z} \ncong \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$, because the right hand side does not have an element of order $nm$.

But take a more general setting. Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and let $A,B$ be ideals in $R$. $A$ and $B$ are said to be comaximal if $A+B=R$. If $A, B$ are comaximal, then we have: $R/AB \cong R/A \times R/B$. In this setup, is the converse true?

If we have $A, B$ ideals in $R$ such that $R/AB \cong R/A \times R/B$, do we always have that $A$ and $B$ are comaximal?

Best Answer

I'll assume the isomorphism is as $R$-modules (or the result is false, see Can $R \times R$ be isomorphic to $R$ as rings?).

Suppose $R/A\oplus R/B\cong R/AB$, in particular is cyclic, and that $(x+A,y+B)$ is a generator. Then, for some $r\in R$, $(1+A,0+B)=r(x+A,y+B)=(rx+A,ry+B)$, so $$ 1=rx+a,\qquad ry\in B $$ for some $a\in A$. Then $y=y1=ay+rxy\in A+B$. If $z\in R$, then $$ (0+A,z+B)=s(x+A,y+B) $$ for some $s\in R$, which implies $z+B=sy+B\in(A+B)/B$, so $A+B=R$.

The same proof of course applies if instead of $AB$ we have any other ideal, in particular $A\cap B$.

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