[Math] Convergence of exponential matrix sum


Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ matrix. Consider the infinite sum $$B=\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{A^kt^k}{k!}$$ Each term $\dfrac{A^kt^k}{k!}$ is an $n\times n$ matrix. Does the sum $B$ always converge? (i.e. does the sum for each of the $n^2$ entries always converge?)

Best Answer

This is just $\exp(tA)-I$, the matrix exponential, except that you forgot to start summation at$~0$. The sum always converges for the same reason the ordinary exponential does, namely the $k!$ in the denominator beats the at most exponential growth of each entry of $(tA)^k$. To be precise, each entry of $(tA)^k$ is bounded in absolute value by $(nm)^k$ where $m$ is the maximal absolute value of all entries of $tA$; this can be shown by an easy induction on $k$.