Sequences and Series – Convergence of $a_n=(1-\frac12)^{(\frac12-\frac13)^{…^{(\frac{1}{n}-\frac{1}{n+1})}}}$


let us moving to telescopic sum using exponent ,Assume we have this sequence: $a_n=(1-\frac12)^{(\frac12-\frac13)^{…^{(\frac{1}{n}-\frac{1}{n+1})}}}$ with $n\geq1$ , this sequence can be written as power of sequences : ${x_n} ^ {{{y_n}^{c_n}}^\cdots} $ such that all them value are in $(0,1)$, I want to know if the titled sequence should converge to $1$ ? and how we can evaluate it for $n$ go to $\infty$ ?

Best Answer

Numeric calculation of the sequence $\{a_n\}_{n \ge 1}$ suggests that the terms are bounded, but alternate between approximately $$0.56778606544394002098000796382530333102219963214866$$ and $$0.85885772008416606762434379473241623070938618180813,$$ but I do not have a proof. This convergence is extremely rapid, and the alternating nature suggests that it is important to look at even and odd $n$ separately.

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