[Math] convergence of a sequence- choosing epsilon and understanding


In proving convergence of sequences using this definition:

A sequence $(𝑎_𝑛 )$ converges to $𝑐$ if for every $\epsilon>0$, there exists an index $𝑁$ so that, for all $𝑘≥𝑁$,


if we pick really large epsilon, it is always going to work. Then what does the definition mean?

Another question on the same definition- as we know that the sequence $a_n=\frac{n^2}{n^2+1}$ is convergent but if we prove it using definition we find that for the sequence to be convergent we must have $0<\epsilon<1$ which means it doesn't work for every epsilon.

Best Answer

Let us prove the convergence of $a_n$ to 1.

Claim : For all $\epsilon\gt 0\ \exists\ N(\epsilon) \in\mathbb{N}$ such that for all $n\in\mathbb{N}, n\ge N$,


Proof : Fix an $\epsilon \gt 0$

We note that $a_n$ is increasing, and $\forall n, a_n\lt 1$.

Therefore if for some $N(\epsilon),1-a_N\lt\epsilon$, then for all $n\ge N,1-a_n\lt\epsilon\;$ (We remove the modulus because $a_n\lt 1$)

Let us find such an $N$. $$1-a_N\lt\epsilon\Rightarrow \frac1{N^2+1}\lt\epsilon\Rightarrow N^2\gt\frac 1\epsilon-1$$

If $\frac 1\epsilon -1\lt 0$, then the inequality is true for all $N$. If $\frac 1\epsilon -1\ge 0$, then $N$ should be greater than $\sqrt{\frac 1\epsilon -1}$.

That's it. For an arbitrary $\epsilon\gt 0$, we found an $N(\epsilon) \in\mathbb{N}$ such that for all $n\in\mathbb{N}, n\ge N$,

$|a_n-1|<\epsilon$, and so $\lim_\limits{n\to\infty}a_n=1$