[Math] Convergence in measure does not imply $L^1$ convergence


We know that for a sequence of measurable functions, $L^p$ convergence implies convergence in measure. However, the converse is false. I'm having trouble coming up with a counter-example, please help! Also, does convergence in measure differ from a.e. pointwise convergence?

Best Answer

Convergence almost everywhere implies convergence in measure for finite measure space. You can see this by applying the dominated convergence theorem to the integral of the function $\chi_{\{|f_n - f|>\epsilon\}}$ (which is the measure of the set $\{|f_n - f|>\epsilon\}$), which is dominated by $1$ on a finite measure space. On an infinite measure space, this need not hold. An example where it fails is $f_n (x) = \chi_{[n,\infty)}(x)$ which converges to zero pointwise everywhere, but for $\epsilon < 1$ we have $\mu\{x: |f_n(x)|>\epsilon\} = \infty$ for any $n$, so it cannot converge in measure.

An example of a function which converges to zero in measure but not in $L^1$ is $f_n = n \chi_{[0,\frac{1}{n}]}$, since $\int |f_n| = 1$ for each $n$, but $\mu\{|f_n| > \epsilon\} = \frac{1}{n}$ for $\epsilon$ small.

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