[Math] Contour Integrals and Residues

complex-analysismathematical physicsresidue-calculus

I'm trying to figure out what it is all about, but my mind is blowing up. First of all, I have turned back and looked at the general definitions of integrals. Then I have looked to line integrals. Basically, the integral is helping us to find the area between two points along the curve. For example when force $F$ is constant but height of the object varies point to point, we can use the integral to find the total work done by $F$.

The line integral is helping us to find the total work done by any vector or scalar fields along any path. Arch length formula gives us the length of curve. So if all these definitions are Ok, please help me to understand about Contour and Residues? Why do we need to use them? Is there any physical meaning or are we just expanding our number set to use The Euler formula and obtain the result easily?

Best Answer

In complex analysis, you might want to think of contour integrals as anti-derivatives. This helps to explain why the path can be moved (as long as it does not pass over a singularity) without altering the integral; it is just the difference of the anti-derivative at the endpoints.

Another way to express this is using Green's Theorem applied to a complex differentiable function: $$ \oint_{\partial\Omega} f(z)\,\mathrm{d}z =\iint_\Omega(if_x-f_y)\,\mathrm{d}x\,\mathrm{d}y\tag{1} $$ The Cauchy-Riemann Equations are simply $$ if_x=f_y\tag{2} $$ Applying $(2)$ to $(1)$ yields Cauchy's Integral Theorem: $$ \oint_{\partial\Omega} f(z)\,\mathrm{d}z=0\tag{3} $$ when $f$ is holomorphic (i.e. satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann Equations) in $\Omega$.

$\hspace{2.5cm}$enter image description here

Thus, the difference of the integral along the green path and the integral along the red path is the integral along the blue path. According to $(3)$, that is $0$.

There are points at which otherwise holomorphic functions go bad. These are singularities. The residue is $\frac1{2\pi i}$ times the integral counter-clockwise around such a point.

$\hspace{2.5cm}$enter image description here

Note that the difference between the integrals along the green and red paths is the integral along the blue path, taking the integral in along the bottom of the blue line and out along the top (the integrals along the lines cancel, being in opposite directions). The blue contour is the boundary of the "C"-shaped area which avoids the singularity, so the integral along the blue contour is $0$. Therefore, the integral along the green path equals the integral along the red path. Thus, it does not matter which contour around the singularity we take, the residue will be the same.

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