[Math] Continuity of inclusion map between subspace and topological space



Let $A=\left [ 0,1 \right )$ and $X=\left [ 0,1 \right ]$.
Prove that if $\left ( X,\alpha \right )$ is a topological space and if A is given a subspace topology then the inclusion map i is continuous.


By definition of the inclusion map:

i:$\left ( A,\beta \right )\rightarrow \left ( X,\alpha \right )$.

$a \mapsto \left ( a \right )i=a$


A function $f:\left ( A,\beta \right )\rightarrow \left ( X,\alpha \right )$ is called continuous IFF for every $a \in \beta$
we have $f^{-1}\left ( a \right ) \in \alpha$

It suffice to show that the pre-image of every element in $\beta$ is in $\alpha$.

The subspace topology $\beta$ on A is a topology so the empty set $\varnothing \in \beta$.
Hence, by definition of the inclusion map, $\left ( \varnothing \right )i^{-1}=\varnothing \in \alpha$

$A=\left [ 0,1 \right ) \in \beta$.

$\left ( A \right )i^{-1}=A \in \alpha$ since $A \subseteq X$ and $X \in \alpha$ by definition of topology $\alpha$ on X.

I would like to ask if I am on the right track?

If I am not, any hints are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You just have to keep in mind what the subspace topology is: a subset of $A$ belongs to $\beta$ if it is the intersection of $A$ with an element of $\alpha$.

But the preimage of a set under $\iota$ is exactly its intersection with $A$. So in particular the preimage of a set in $\alpha$ is the intersection of that set with $A$, which by definition of the subspace topology $\beta$ means that it belongs to $\beta$.

So preimages of sets in $\alpha$ belong to $\beta$, which means continuity.

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