[Math] context free grammar that generates binary all numbers divisible by 3


I'm struggling with the grammar that generates all binary numbers divisible by 3
I know that for a binary number to be divisible by 3 the sum of 1s in even bits mines the sum of 1s in odd bits must be divisible by 3.
After some googling, I found that you can do the dfa of it then convert it to cfg and you can get:
S &\to 0S \mid 1A \mid \epsilon \\
A &\to 0B \mid 1S \\
B &\to 1B \mid 0A

I am surprised that this homework takes place before the lectures for finite automata, So, I have no idea how to get this grammar, may anyone explain.


Thanks to Brain, motivated by his idea I've come to the following grammar which basically almost the same to the one I posted above:
The Idea is if a binary number concatenated by a 0 to the right the result is the number multiplied by 2 if it concatenated by 1 the result is the number multiplied by 2 plus 1
W = 10 = (2)_{10}, \text{ then } W0 = 100 = (4)_{10} \\
W = 10 = (2)_{10}, \text{ then } W1 = 101 = (5)_{10}

by this logic we can denote the following states:
S: \text{ binary numbers divisible by 3 with rest 0 } \\
A: \text{ binary numbers divisible by 3 with rest 1 } \\
B: \text{ binary numbers divisible by 3 with rest 2}


S: W = 3k, \text{ } W0 = 3k\text{(Go to S)},\text{ } W1 = 3k + 1\text{(Go to A)} \\
A: W = 3k + 1,\text{ } W0 = 3k + 2\text{(Go to B)},\text{ } W1 = 3k \text{(Go to S)} \\
B: W = 3k + 2,\text{ } W0 = 3k + 1\text{(Go to A)},\text{ } W1 = 3k + 2 \text{(Go to B)} \\

Hence, the following grammar:
S &\to S0 \mid A1 \mid \epsilon \\
A &\to B0 \mid S1 \\
B &\to A0 \mid B1

Best Answer

Here is one way to approach the problem of designing such a grammar without reference to automata. Imagine building the number from right to left, one bit at a time. At each stage we are about to write a bit in an even position or an odd position, and $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}$ is congruent to $0,1$, or $2$ modulo $3$, where $s_{\text{even}}$ is the number of $1$ bits in even positions so far, and $s_{\text{odd}}$ is the number of $1$ bits in odd positions so far. (I am numbering the positions from the right.) Thus, at each stage of generating a bit string we are in one of $2\cdot 3=6$ possible states, and I’ll assign a nonterminal to each of them as follows:

  • $S$: odd position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv0\pmod3$
  • $A$: even position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv0\pmod3$
  • $B$: odd position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv1\pmod3$
  • $C$: even position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv1\pmod3$
  • $D$: odd position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv2\pmod3$
  • $E$: even position, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv2\pmod3$

Now it’s quite easy to come up with the needed productions. At the beginning we’re in state $S$, about to write a bit in an odd position when $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv0\pmod3$. If we write a $0$, $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}$ doesn’t change, but we’ll be writing a the next bit in an even position, so we want to be in state $A$; this means that there should be a transition $S\to A0$. If instead we write a $1$, $s_{\text{odd}}$ increases by $1$, so that we now have $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv2\pmod3$, and we’ll be writing the next bit in an even position, so we want to be in state $E$; thus, there should be a transition $S\to E1$. Finally, because at the moment $s_{\text{even}}-s_{\text{odd}}\equiv0\pmod3$, we do currently have a multiple of $3$, so we want to be able to stop here; we arrange that by having a transition $S\to\epsilon$.

If we carry out the same kind of analysis for each of the other five nonterminals, we get the following productions:

$$\begin{align*} &S\to A0\mid E1\mid\epsilon\\ &A\to S0\mid D1\mid\epsilon\\ &B\to C0\mid A1\\ &C\to B0\mid S1\\ &D\to E0\mid C1\\ &E\to D0\mid B1 \end{align*}$$

These do allow the empty word to be generated (via $S\Rightarrow\epsilon$); if this is not wanted, it can be eliminated by adding a nonterminal $X$ with productions $X\to A0\mid E1\mid\epsilon$, eliminating the production $S\to\epsilon$, and replacing the productions $A\to S0$ and $C\to S1$ by $A\to X0$ and $C\to X1$, respectively.

Clearly the resulting grammar is not has more nonterminals and more productions that are actually necessary, but I think that its construction and operation are relatively straightforward.