[Math] Construction of the Hyperreal numbers

definitionfield-theorynonstandard-analysisreal numbers

Several times I have seen questions/answers here about using the correct definition of derivatives. There are also questions about whether or not $1/0$ is defined. Sometimes there is a discussion about the concept of infinitesimal and infinite numbers which I guess are related to Hyperreal numbers ${}^*\mathbb{R}$ (correct me if I am wrong).

My question is

How do we construct/define the set of hyperreal numbers?

I am specifically interested in understanding what the hyperreals are as a set and how the hyperreals become an ordered field (This would necessarily include specifying what the inverses of the "extra" elements in ${}^*\mathbb{R}$ are). How, for example, does $\mathbb{R}$ sit inside ${}^*\mathbb{R}\,?$

Edit: I see that the question "Create the hyperreals using …" already asks about this, but I am wondering if the construction of the set might be explained clearly.

Best Answer

There are a couple of Monthly articles that give reasonably accessible introductions. See

Wm. Hatcher. Calculus is Algebra, AMM 1982.

D.H. Van Osdol. Truth with Respect to an Ultrafilter or How to make Intuition Rigorous. AMM, 1972..

For a much more comprehensive introduction to ultraproducts see

Paul Eklof. Ultraproducts for Algebraists, 1977.

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