[Math] Construction of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields


I understand construction of irreducible polynomials over finite fields is a non trivial problem. Can anyone please refer me to good resources regarding constructive approaches of irreducible polynomials?

Also a perspective of how construction of irreducible polynomial will help to understand other branches of mathematics such as coding theory, cryptography,etc., will be very helpful.

I am currently reading Lidl's 'Finite Fields' and found the conditions regarding the same problem a bit absurd looking and not very intuitive, (specially chapher 3, section 3 part). Can I have better ways to comprehend those results?

Added by mixedmath
The OP indicated in the comments that the parts of this book that are relevant are theorems 3.36 and 3.37. For ease, I display what is freely available here. Unfortunately, there is no theorem 3.36. But there is an example 3.36:

enter image description here

And the part of the theorem that we can access:

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

The rest is not included in the preview.


I found this http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~hwl/PUBLICATIONS/1986a/art.pdf , in this paper the authors give an algorithm for constructing irreducible polynomials, but my mathematical background does not permit me to understand the paper fully, still if someone please explains the steps in the first algorithm with an example i will be glad.

Specifically the fourth step of the first algorithm remains unclear to me.

Best Answer

The main explanation of the fourth step of the first algorithm in the link you gave is given in the proof. In order to construct an extension of degree $p^a n$, you first construct an extension $\def\FF{\mathbb{F}}\FF(\beta)/\FF$ of degree $n$, another extension $\FF(\alpha_a)/\FF$ of degree $p^a$, and then the field $\FF(\alpha_a, \beta)/\FF$ has to be degree $p^a n$.

A common trick to find generators for a field extension with multiple generators is to take linear combinations. By looking at the action of the Galois group, it's easy to see that $\alpha_a + \beta$ has full order. Use your favorite method to find its minimal polynomial.

To construct the extension of degree $p^a$, they constructed it in stages, with extensions $\FF(\alpha_k)/\FF$ of degree $p^k$. Artin-Schreier theory says that (in characteristic $p$), any Galois extension of degree $p$ (all finite finite field extensions are Galois) can be written as the splitting field of $x^p - x - r$ for some $r$. Lemma 5 gives a way to find suitable $r$.

For the record, I don't follow exactly what their formulas are doing either. But by knowing what they're trying to do, IMO it's easy enough to come up with your own way to do it.

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