[Math] Construction of harmonic mean with ruler and compass


Exercise 8.10 at this site
claims that harmonic mean can be built with just 4 simple objects (lines and/or circles)

My best result is 6 objects (including perpendiculars and segment bisector).
Do you have any hint to simplify the construction?

As the page is not accessible if you have not done all the previous ones, here is a screenshot of the page screenshot

Best Answer

$$H_\left(a,b\right) = \frac{2ab}{a+b} \Rightarrow \frac{H}{b} = \frac{2a}{a+b}$$

Mildly obfuscated solution illustrated here: Mildly obfuscated solution illustrated here.

As you can see, this solution will get you a 4L/7E score. Getting 4/4 is a little tricker. :D

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