[Math] Construction of Complex Numbers Inside of Set Theory

complex numberselementary-set-theory

I am taking an introduction class on set theory. We have formally constructed the natural numbers, integers, rationals and reals. I am now trying to think of how to define the complex numbers inside of set theory. My idea is to follow the idea of how the reals were constructed from Dedekind cuts. The complex numbers would be Dedekind cuts of the real numbers that allow for the imaginary numbers to be defined. I am not sure exactly how to formally explain this or if this would be the correct way of going about defining the complex numbers. Any answers and comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

The simplest thing is just to define a complex number to be an ordered pair $(x,y)$ of reals. Define the sum in the obvious way, define the product $$(x,y)(a,b)=(ax-by,ay+bx),$$and show you have a field.

Then $x\mapsto(x,0)$ is an embedding of $\Bbb R$ into $\Bbb C$. If you define $i=(0,1)$ you get $i^2=(-1,0)$. Complex numbers.