Geometric Construction – Constructing a Circle Through a Given Point, Tangent to a Given Line, and Tangent to a Given Circle


While browsing around about problems similar to the problem of Apollonius, I have found references to constructions of all types of circles. For example, not only is it possible to construct a circle tangent to three given circles, but one can construct a circle through any three points, tangent to any three lines, passing through two given points and tangent to a line or circle, passing through a given point and tangent to two given lines or circles, etc. Pretty much any combination of criteria regarding points, lines, and circles, with repetition.

Can we have one of each? I haven't found any resource saying whether it's possible or not to construct a circle through a given point, tangent to a given line, and tangent to a given circle. Is such a construction possible? Thanks.

Best Answer

It is possible, provided that the point and at least part of the circle are on the same side of the line and the circle does not separate the point from the line. If the point and the circle are on opposite sides of the line, or if the point is inside the circle and the line wholly outside, then it is impossible (as it is with three nested circles in the original version).

Wikipedia describes this as Special case 6 of Apollonius' problem with up to 4 solutions

example of four tangents