[Math] Constructing a 4-edge connected graph that is 2-connected but not 3-connected

connectednessgraph theory

How can i construct a graph $G$ with these properties:

  • $G$ is $4$-edge-connected;
  • $G$ is $2$-vertex-connected;
  • $G$ is not $3$-vertex-connected.

I have managed to create a number of $4$-edge-connected graphs but they always turn out to be $3$-vertex connected – which I can't have.

essentially, i have used trial and error thus far to construct some 4-edge-connected graphs but i'm struggling to see how i can do this without the resulting graphs also being 3-connected.

4-edge connected meaning a graph in which between any two vertices there are 4 edge-disjoint paths between the two vertices. 2-connected(meaning 2 vertex-connected) means a graph in which between any two vertices there are 2 vertex-disjoint paths.

It's a homework question for a module and could easily be a part of the final year exam – The question explicitly asks for a graph with these three properties, and then to prove that it has these properties.

Best Answer

What about such a graph:


You could easily also make it 3-vertex connected, but not 4-vertex connected in the same way, etc.


I hope this helps $\ddot\smile$

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