[Math] Construct a triangle with its orthocenter and circumcenter on its incircle.


Construct $\triangle ABC$ such that its orthocenter ($H$) and circumcenter ($O$) are on its incircle.

I've tried something by inverting everything WRT circumcircle but don't have proper idea… Or since $O$ and $H$ are isogonal conjugates trying to reflect them WRT sides of triangles and find something but nothing tried many different approaches… Does anyone has some idea how to do that?

enter image description here

(Image from @Blue, using proportions calculated algebraically. (See comments, but ignore my non-constructibility nonsense.) It may-or-may-not be helpful to note that points $B$, $C$, $O$, $I$, $H$ lie on a circle congruent to the circumcircle. Specifically, $O$ is the midpoint of $\stackrel{\frown}{BC}$ on that circle, and $I$ is in turn the midpoint of $\stackrel{\frown}{OH}$. One can show that this property is a consequence of $\angle A=60^\circ$ alone. The construction corresponding to the additional geometric condition that causes $O$ and $H$ to lie on the incircle remains elusive.)

Best Answer

We begin by proving the claims made by Blue in the edit to the question.

Let $I$ be the incentre of $ABC$, and let $R$ be its circumradius. Since $O$ and $H$ lie inside $ABC$, the triangle must be acute.

The incircle is divided into three arcs by its points of contact with the sides of $ABC$. At least one of these arcs, say the one nearest vertex $A$, contains neither $O$ nor $H$. Thus when the rays $AO$ and $AH$ meet the incircle at $O$ and $H$, respectively, each of these rays is intersecting the incircle for the second time. Moreover, as in any triangle, $AI$ bisects angle $OAH$. It follows that the points $O$ and $H$ are symmetric about $AI$. In particular, $AH = AO = R$.

In any triangle, $\overrightarrow{AH} = 2\overrightarrow{OA'}$, where $A'$ is the midpoint of $BC$. Hence $OA' = R/2$. It follows from this that $\angle BOC = 120^{\circ}$, hence that $\angle BAC = 60^{\circ}$.

If we introduce $O'$ as in the figure (the reflection of $O$ through $A'$), then $O$, $B$ and $C$ belong to the circle with radius $R$ centred at $O'$. Since $\overrightarrow{AH} = \overrightarrow{OO'}$, the quadrilateral $OAHO'$ is a rhombus with side $R$. Consequently, $H$ also belongs to circle $BOC$.

If $J$ is the point halfway along arc $OH$ on circle $BOC$, then $BJ$ bisects $\angle OBH$, hence $J$ lies on $BI$. Similarly, $J$ lies on $CI$. Hence $J = I$, and $I$ lies on circle $BOC$. Since $AI$ bisects $\angle BAC$, it meets the circumcircle of $ABC$ again at $O'$, which is midway between $B$ and $C$.

Conversely, we carry out a construction corresponding to the above requirements. Start with a circle centred at $O$ with radius $1$. Mark two points $B$ and $C$ on the circle so that $\angle BOC = 120^{\circ}$. Let $O'$ be the reflection of $O$ through $BC$. Then $O'$ is on the circle. Now let $I$ be any point on circle $BOC$, on the same side of $BC$ as $O$. (We will specify $I$ further below.) Let $O'I$ cut $BO'C$ again at $A$. Let $H$ be the reflection of $O$ through $O'I$. Then reversing the arguments above, we find that $H$ is the orthocentre and $I$ the incentre of triangle $ABC$, and that $IH = IO$.

The only question that remains is how to choose $I$ on circle $BOC$ so that $IO$ is equal to the inradius of $ABC$. If we let $x$ be the inradius, then $x$ is the distance from $I$ to line $BC$. We also have $IO^2 = (1/2 - x)^2 + 1 - (x+1/2)^2 = 1-2x$. The condition $OI = x$ is equivalent to $x^2 = 1 - 2x$, or $x = \sqrt{2} - 1$.

Thus the construction can be completed by letting $I$ be a point of intersection of circle $BOC$ with a circle centred at $O$ with radius $\sqrt{2}-1$.

I'm not sure how to motivate this last step geometrically.

Summary of my construction Given two points $O$ and $O'$, write $R = OO'$. Construct the circles $K$ and $K'$ of radius $R$ centred at $O$ and $O'$, respectively. Let $B$ and $C$ be the points of intersection. Let $I$ be a point of intersection of $K'$ with the circle of radius $(\sqrt{2}-1)R$ centred at $O$. Then let $A$ be the point of intersection of $O'I$ with $K$.

Alternative construction (using $IA = 2IO$, proved by dxiv below) Instead of constructing $I$, construct $A$ directly by intersecting $K$ with the circle of radius $(2\sqrt{2} - 1)R$ centred at $O'$.

Summary of dxiv's construction Construct a triangle $AIO$ with $IO= r$, $IA = 2r$, $OA = (\sqrt{2}+1)r$. Let $K$ be the circle centred at $O$ passing through $A$. Construct angles of $30^{\circ}$ on either side of $AI$. Let $B$ and $C$ be the intersections with $K$ of the outer sides of these angles.