[Math] Construct a finite field of 16 elements and find a generator for its multiplicative group.


Construct a finite field of 16 elements and find a generator for its multiplicative group. Find all generators of multiplicative group.

Very obvious Construction of a field with 16 elements according to me would be ${\mathbb{F_2}[x]}/{f(x)}$ where $f(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial of order 4 in $\mathbb{F_2}[x]$. I took $f(x)=x^4+x+1$.Elements of the resulting field are

Now, Question is to find a generator of its multiplicative group.

I have calculated by hand that $<x>$ is the whole multiplicative group. That was very obvious by intuition that $x$ generates. Now the question is what other elements generate that group.
I have tried for $x^2$, though i did not calculate whole group,with in few steps i found $x\in<x^2>$ so i concluded $x^2$ generates multiplicative group.

In case of $1+x$ , with in 4/5 steps i got multiplicative identity 1. So $1+x$ does not generate this group.

It would become a mess if i write by hand what subgroup would each element generate?

Is there any better way to find out what all elements generate the multiplicative group?

Best Answer

If $\langle x\rangle$ is the whole multiplicative group, it is isomorphic to $C_{15}$, so your generators will be $x^a$ for all $a$ satisfying $\gcd(a,15)=1$. There should be $\phi(15)=8$ such values.