[Math] Consecutive prime numbers multiplication pattern

prime numbers

Playing with primes in excel I came to a pattern that I do not understand and I would like to know more about it.


  |Prime numbers | Multiplies | Subtraction of  | Difference of 
  |              |            | multiplies      | subtraction
p1|2             |            |                 |
p2|3             |  3x2 =  6  |                 |
p3|5             |  5x3 = 15  | 15-6  =  9      |
p4|7             |  7x5 = 35  | 35-15 = 20      | 20-9  = 11
p5|11            | 11x7 = 77  | 77-35 = 42      | 42-20 = 22
p6|13            | 13x11=143  | 143-77= 66      | 66-42 = 24
p7|17            | 17x13=221  | 221-143=78      | 78-66 = 12
p8|19            | 19x17=323  | 323-221=102     | 102-78= 24

Simple histogram showed that for first 65535 primes, number 24 is most frequent 'Difference of subtraction of consecutive prime multiplication' (number in 4th column of example table, for prime numbers 13 and 19 is that number equal 24).
Filtering only rows, where this value is 24 we get only twin prime numbers (second from twin pair) or primes with distance 10 (again second number from pair).
At the end if we filter only rows with twin primes, we receive only list of primes that end with 9.

Q1: Does this pattern remain with higher numbers too?
Q2: Is number 24 most frequent 'Difference of subtraction of consecutive prime multiplication' also if we take more primes?
Q3: That would mean that some prime numbers occur in let's say some groups?
Q4: Is there any study or publication which talks about this closer?

Best Answer

After all I can note that question is based on set of 4 consecutive primes and their distances and so these links are partially answers to questions Q1, Q3 and Q4:

While the questions were not primarily about prime gaps, but about gaps between 'differences of consecutive prime products', I cannot say that mentioned links answer questions fully.

Equation $p_6p_5−2p_5p_4+p_4p_3=24$ has one of its solution prime quadruplet {p, p+2, p+6, p+8}. There is also second solution {p, p+10, p+2, p+10}.
Next question would be, if there are other solutions of this equation, which are also consecutive prime numbers and if yes, what are they.

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