[Math] connection between the left null space and the annihilator of a matrix

dual-spaceslinear algebravector-spaces

The left null space of a matrix is a subspace. If it's OK to keep it real, the left subspace, $\mathcal L,$ of an $m \times n$ matrix, $M$, is a subspace of $\mathbb R^m.$ In my (limited) understanding, it can be thought of as the (sub)-space orthogonal to the column space, so that the dot product of the vectors in the left null space with the column vectors in $M$ is zero.

On the other hand, the Wikipedia definition of annihilator as it refers to a subset is a follows:

Let $S$ be a subset of $V$. The annihilator of $S$ in $V^*$, denoted here $S^o$, is the collection of linear functionals $f\in V^*$ such that $[f,s]=0$ for all $s\in S.$

Linear functionals in $V^*$ can be thought of as row vectors dotted with a elements in a vector space. In this sense, the parallelism with the left null space seems warranted.

So the question is:

Can the annihilator be compared in some way to the left null space?

Best Answer

If you think of the left null space of $M$ as consisting of row vectors, and you also think of the elements of the annihilator of a subspace as being row vectors, then the left null space of $M$ is the annihilator of the range of $M$.

Here is a proof. Let $z$ be a column vector in $\mathbb R^m$. Then \begin{align} z^T \in R(M)^\circ &\iff z^T Mx = 0 \quad \text{for all } x \in \mathbb R^n\\ &\iff (M^T z)^T x = 0 \quad \text{for all } x \in \mathbb R^n\\ &\iff M^T z = 0 \\ &\iff z^T \text{ is in the left null space of $M$.} \end{align}

Here is a generalization of the above fact.

Let $V$ and $W$ be finite dimensional vector spaces over a field $F$, and let $T:V \to W$ be a linear transformation. Let $V^*$ and $W^*$ be the dual spaces of $V$ and $W$ (respectively) and let $T^*:W^* \to V^*$ be the dual of $T$, defined by $$ \langle T^*z, x \rangle = \langle z, Tx \rangle. $$ Then the annihilator of the range of $T$ is the null space of $T^*$: $$ R(T)^\circ = N(T^*). $$ This is a generalization of the "four subspaces theorem" emphasized in Gilbert Strang's linear algebra books. (This theorem is sometimes called the "fundamental theorem of linear algebra".)

Here's a proof: \begin{align} z \in R(T)^\circ &\iff \langle z, Tx \rangle = 0 \quad \text{for all } x \in V\\ &\iff \langle T^* z, x \rangle = 0 \quad \text{for all } x \in V \\ &\iff T^*z = 0 \\ &\iff z \in N(T^*). \end{align}