[Math] Connection between cross product and determinant

cross productdeterminantlinear algebramatrices

This may be a stupid question to some, but when i calculate a cross product of two vectors.
For example the first coordinate of the solution. I put my finger on the first line, then i calculate something that seems like the determinant of a 2×2 matrix.

Is there any connection between matrices and the cross product?

Sorry if that is a stupid qustion, but I am in the second semester and haven't found an answer in the internet.

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Maybe this isn't the answer you're looking for, but one expression for the determinant of a 3x3 matrix with columns $\vec v_1,\vec v_2,\vec v_3$ is $$ \vec v_1\cdot(\vec v_2\times\vec v_3) $$ You can make sense of this algebraically or geometrically (recall that the determinant is the volume of a parallelipiped whose sides are given by the three vectors).