[Math] Connected But Not Path-Connected


Can you think of any spaces that are connected but not path connected apart from the Topologist's Sine Curve?

Best Answer

Here are a whole bunch from $\pi$-Base, a searchable version of Steen and Seebach's Counterexamples in Topology. You can visit the search result to learn more about any of these spaces.

An Altered Long Line

A Pseudo-Arc

Cantor's Leaky Tent

Closed Topologist's Sine Curve

Countable Complement Extension Topology

Countable Complement Topology

Double Pointed Countable Complement Topology

Finite Complement Topology on a Countable Space

Gustin's Sequence Space

Indiscrete Irrational Extension of $\mathbb{R}$

Indiscrete Rational Extension of $\mathbb{R}$

Irrational Slope Topology

Lexicographic Ordering on the Unit Square

Nested Angles

One Point Compactification of the Rationals

Pointed Irrational Extension of $\mathbb{R}$

Pointed Rational Extension of $\mathbb{R}$

Relatively Prime Integer Topology

Roy's Lattice Space

Smirnov's Deleted Sequence Topology

The Extended Long Line

The Infinite Broom

The Infinite Cage

Topologist's Sine Curve