Conjugacy Class in Symmetric Group – Abstract Algebra


This question might be duplicate because of a representation theory question. I don't know representation theory enough so I didn't tried to check that section. Please notify.

I heard and experienced that if $s_1,s_2 \in Sym(n)$, then there exists a $k \in Sym(n)$ such that $k^{-1}s_1k = s_2 \iff s_1$ and $s_2$ has same cycle type.

I tried to proof this statement but in the middle of it someone told me it has really short proof so I started to trying to find it but I couldn't. I hope you can help me and find that short proof.

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

As is discussed in the comments, the following fact should be very helpful:

If $\sigma,\tau\in S_n$, with $\tau=(a_1\ldots a_m)$ an $m$-cycle, then we have the formula:


For the proof, see what $\sigma\circ\tau\circ\sigma^{-1}$ does to symbols of the form $\sigma (a_i)$, and also symbols of the form $\sigma (b)$ where $b\ne a_i$.

Next, use the above formula on the cycle decomposition of a generic element $g=\tau_1\circ\ldots\circ\tau_k$ to see that conjugation by $\sigma$ preserves the cycle structure.

The other direction of the proof will also make use of the conjugation formula.

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