[Math] Confusion with the vertical line test of functions


Recently i saw the following article on wikipedia to see whether a graph is a graph of a function or not.


It states that To use the vertical line test,"draw a line parallel to the y-axis for any chosen value of x. If the vertical line you drew intersects the graph more than once for any value of x then the graph is not the graph of a function. If, alternatively, a vertical line intersects the graph no more than once, no matter where the vertical line is placed, then the graph is the graph of a function."

Vertical Line Test from Wikipedia

So in case of a parabola with $y^2=4ax$ a line $\parallel$ to the $y-axis$ will cut it into two points. So $y^2=4ax$ is not a function?

Parabola not a function? http://www5a.wolframalpha.com/Calculate/MSP/MSP180921i11501eh29c4ab00005i6e19ih12i0if69?MSPStoreType=image/gif&s=52&w=279.&h=302.&cdf=RangeControl

Wikipedia writes the same: "As an example, a sideways parabola (one whose directrix is a vertical line) is not the graph of a function because some vertical lines will intersect the parabola twice."

Am I having any confusion? Please help.


Best Answer

Everything you say is correct. $y^2 = 4ax$ is not a function of $x$, since a given (positive) value of $x$ corresponds to two possible values of $y$. But if you turn your head on its side, you see that the graph is the graph of a function of $y$ - any given value of $y$ corresponds to exactly one value of $x$.