[Math] Confusion in Theorem 2.36 Baby Rudin


I shall present theorem and its proof by Walter Rudin.

Theorem. If $ \{K_\alpha\} $ is a collection of compact subsets of a metric space $X$ such that the intersection of every finite subcollection of $\{K_\alpha\} $ is nonempty, then $\cap K_\alpha$ is nonempty.

Proof: Fix a member $K_1$ of $\{K_\alpha\}$ and put $G_\alpha=K_\alpha^c$. Assume that no point of $K_1$ belongs to every $K_\alpha$. Then the sets $G_\alpha$ form an open cover of $K_1$; and since $K_1$ is compact, there are finitely many indices $\alpha_1,…,\alpha_n$ such that $K_1\subset \cup_{i=1…n} G_{\alpha_i}$. But this means that $K_1\cap K_{\alpha_1}\cap\dots \cap K_{\alpha_n}$ is empty, in contradiction to our hypothesis.

My confusion is in the part in bold. Does mean it $K_1\cap K_{\alpha} = \emptyset $ for every $\alpha$? If the answer is "Yes", this not contradict that the intersection of every finite subcollection of $\{K_\alpha\} $ is nonempty?

Best Answer

It means assume that no point of $K_1$ belongs to $\bigcap_{\alpha}K_{\alpha}$. ("Belongs to every $K_{\alpha}$" means "belongs to the intersection of the $K_{\alpha}$".) That means that the complements $G_{\alpha}$ of the $K_{\alpha}$ are open sets that cover the compact set $K_1$ and then $\ldots$