[Math] Confusion in rotation matrix – rotation about $y$ axis


The rotation matrix about y axis should look like

\cos\frac{\pi}{2} & 0 &\sin\frac{\pi}{2}\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
-\sin\frac{\pi}{2} & 0 &\cos\frac{\pi}{2}\\
0 & 0 &1\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
-1& 0 &0\\

Now, I pictured this rotation, and it should look like rotation about y axis, counterclockwise

enter image description here

I drew $(1,1,1)$ vector in original coordinate system, and in the new coordinate system, the vector should be $(-1,1,1)$
enter image description here

BUT! the matrix calculation gives otherwise.

0 & 0 &1\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
-1& 0 &0\\

Am I missing something?

Okay, it seems like I should rotate vector instead of coordinate system.

Then, How can you explain rotation about z axis?

enter image description here

The rotation matrix is
\cos\frac{\pi}{2} &\sin\frac{\pi}{2} & 0\\
-\sin\frac{\pi}{2} &\cos\frac{\pi}{2} & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1
0 & 1 &0\\
-1 & 0 & 0\\
0& 0 &1\\

But… calculation is correct.
0 & 1 &0\\
-1 & 0 & 0\\
0& 0 &1\\

IF you rotate the vector, then in the picture, it should be $(-1,1,1)$

enter image description here

Oh. god…. I think I am looking at the wrong source.

My book tells

enter image description here

well, clearly, googling gives me

enter image description here


I think I solved my case. Thank you all.

Best Answer

It seems that you are confusing active and passive rotations.

Your matrix $R$, applied to a vector $v$, give you a rotated vector $v'=Rv$ that is expressed in the same reference system than $v$ and this is called an active transformation.

If you don't change the vector but rotate the axis of the referenc system, than this is called a passive transformation and it is represented by the inverse matrix $R^{-1}$, in the sense that the coordinates of the old vector in the new reference systems are $v''=R^{-1}v$.