Complex Analysis – Conformal Map from Vertical Strip to Unit Disc


I haven't found a similar question on here, though I suspect the question may be rather well-covered.

I want to find a conformal map from the vertical strip $\{z:-1<Re(z)<1\}$ onto the unit disc.

Under the exponential map the region is taken to the annulus with radii $e$ and $e^{-1}$, but I'm not sure how useful this will be.

Can anyone advise on what the conformal map may be?


Best Answer

First apply $z \mapsto iz$ to map the strip onto the corresponding horizontal strip $-1 < \operatorname{Im} z < 1$.

Next step, apply $z \mapsto \exp(\frac{\pi z}2)$. This will give you the right half-plane $\operatorname{Re} z > 0$.

To finish off, the Möbius transformation $z \mapsto \dfrac{z-1}{z+1}$ takes the half-plane onto the unit disc.