[Math] Conditions for Fubini’s theorem


To preface this post, I have to admit that I have extremely little measure theory knowledge and I get lost when trying to read about Fubini's theorem for this reason. In the theorem statement for Fubini's theorem, it says that

$$\int_{A\times B}|f(x,y)|d(x,y) < \infty.$$

I get that it is saying that $|f|$ – when integrated over the product measure – is finite but how does one go about checking that this is the case? Is it sufficient to show the following:

$$\int_{A}\left(\int_{B}|f(x,y)|dy\right)dx < \infty$$

I found a resource (PDF warning) that talks about a corollary to Fubini's theorem that seems to suggest that this condition is sufficient (see Corollary 6.2.1 and the remark following it) however they restrict themselves to $\sigma$-finite measure spaces but the theorem statement on Wikipedia allows for general complete measure spaces. Is my assertion correct or am I way off the mark?

Best Answer

Wikipedia has actually an alternate theorem statement that answers the question. Besides $\sigma$-finiteness, both iterated integrals of the absolute value of the function have to be finite.

Now $\sigma$-finiteness is implicitely required in Fubini's theorem to some degree. The assumption $$\int_{A\times B}|f(x,y)|d(x,y) < \infty.$$ implies that $F_n=\{(x,y):|f(x,y)|>1/n\}$ has finite measure, so the product measure restricted to $\bigcup_n F_n=\{(x,y):f(x,y)\neq 0\}$ is $\sigma$-finite.

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