[Math] Conditional probability rolling two dice


Two fair dice are rolled. What is the conditional
probability that at least one lands on 6 given that
the dice land on different numbers?

I already know the answer, but am having some trouble understanding it.

If E is the event that at least one dice lands on 6 and F is the event that the dice land on different numbers, I need to calculate P(EF)/P(F)

According to the answer P(EF) = 2*(1/6)*5/6. I don't understand how this was calculated. Is there a specific formula for calculating P(EF)? I know P(EF) = P(E)+P(F) if the two events are mutually exclusive.

P(F) = 30/36 which makes sense because there are 36 possible outcomes, of which 30 are favorable.

Mainly just confused about calculating P(EF).

Best Answer

(SIde note: The events are neither mutually exclusive nor independent.)

$P(E\cap F)$ is the probability that one die is a six and the other die is not. That's $\frac 1 6\frac 5 6+\frac 5 6\frac 1 6$ by adding the probability that the first die is a six and the other not, to the probability that the first die is not a six and the other is. (NB: Those events are mutually exclusive partitions of $E\cap F$.)

$$\mathsf P(E\cap F) = 2 \cdot \frac 1 6 \cdot \frac 5 6\\ = \frac{10}{36}$$

Then we just use conditional probability as you noted.

$$\mathsf P(E\mid F) = \frac{\mathsf P(E\cap F)}{\mathsf P(F)}\\ = \frac{10/36}{30/36} \\ = \frac {1}{3}$$