[Math] conditional probability example from tsitsiklis probability book

probabilityprobability theory

I am working on tsitiklis probability book. and there is this solved example in the book which i cannot understand. Please

A conservative design team, call it C, and an
innovative design team, call it N, are asked to
separately design a new product within a month.
From past experience we know that:
(a) The probability that team C is successful is 2/3.
(b) The probability that team N is successful is 1/2.
(c) The probability that at least one team is
successful is 3/4.
Assuming that exactly one successful design is
produced, what is the probability that it was
designed by team N?

Then it goes one and states:

There are four possible outcomes here,
corresponding to the four combinations of
success and failure of the two teams:
SS: both succeed, FF: both fail,
SF: C succeeds, N fails,
FS: C fails, N succeeds.

It further states:

We were given that the probabilities of these outcomes satisfy:

P(SS) + P(SF) = 2/3 , P(SS) + P(FS) =1/2.
P(SS) + P(SF) + P(FS) =3/4.

and from these relations, together with the normalization equation
P(SS) + P(SF) + P(FS) + P(FF) = 1

we can obtain the probabilities of individual outcomes

P(SS)= 5/12, P(SF)=1/4, P(FS)=1/12, P(FF)=1/4.


my question is how does he do this ?
and i don't get it that

P(SS) + P(SF) + P(FS) =3/4.
is given ?
how does he compute this ?

From the question, we can only infer that P(SF) = 2/3 and that P(FS) =1/2.

I don't get it how he infers that
P(SS) + P(SF) = 2/3

Any advise ?
And then i just don't get it how he computes

P(FS) = 1/12 etc…

Best Answer

You have "(a) The probability that team C is successful is 2/3." This does not tell you anything about Team I.

So you might write it as something like $\Pr(S?) = \frac23$ or as $\Pr(SS) + \Pr(SF) = \frac23$.

You also have "(c) The probability that at least one team is successful is 3/4."

You might write this as something like $\Pr(S? \text{ or }?S) = \frac34$ or $\Pr(SS) + \Pr(SF) + \Pr(FS) = \frac34$.

Combining these two gives $\Pr(FS) = \frac34- \frac23 = \frac{1}{12}$ and you can find the others in a similar way, as you also have $\Pr(SS) + \Pr(SF) + \Pr(FS) + \Pr(FF) = 1$ and so four simultaneous equations in four unknowns.

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