[Math] Conditional Probability (Baye’s Rule) question with urns


There are two urns A and B. Urn A contains 1 red ball and 2 white balls, whereas urn B contains 2 red balls and 1 white ball. Calculate the conditional probability that a randomly chosen ball belonged to urn A given that it is white.

I know, that the answer is 0.6666…
But I can't figure the way how to apply the Baye's rule to the conditions.

Best Answer

Let A be the event that urn A chosen, B be the event that Urn B chosen,
and W be the event that a white ball is chosen.

Using Bayes' Rule and the law of total probability,

P(From Urn A | it is white) $= \dfrac{P(A)\cdot P(W|A)}{P(A)\cdot P(W|A) + P(B)\cdot(P(W|B)} =\dfrac{\dfrac12 \cdot\dfrac23}{\dfrac12\cdot\dfrac23+\dfrac12\cdot\dfrac13}=\dfrac23$

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