[Math] Conditional Expectation Dice Roll


Q) Roll two fair dice. Let $X_{1}, X_{2}$ be the values on each die and $Y = X_{1} + X_{2}$ their sum. Compute $E[X_{1}\mid Y = 8]$. Compute $E[X_{1}\mid X_{2} = 4]$.

A) So far I have that the sample space is $\{(i,j):i,j \in {1,\dotsc,6}\}$, so in total there are $36$ possible outcomes so $P[Y=(i,j)]=1/36$ for all $i,j \in{1,\dotsc,6}$. I also have the following equation to calculate conditional expectation but I don't fully understand the numerator.

$$E[A\mid B=b]=\frac{E[A \times 1_{B=b}]}{P[B=b]}$$

Best Answer

We want $E[X_1|Y=8]$ now $Y=X_1+X_2 \iff X_1=Y-X_2$.

So we have $E[X_1|Y=8]=E[Y-X_2|Y=8]=E[Y|Y=8]-E[X_2|Y=8]$ by linearity of expectation.

Clearly $E[Y|Y=8]=8$ and $E[X_2|Y=8]=E[X_1|Y=8]$ as they are identically distributed so $2E[X_1|Y=8]=8$ and $E[X_1|Y=8]=4$.

For the second $X_1,X_2$ are independent so the result should be obvious.

The numerator is using the indicator function on the event that the random variable $B=b$.