Condition for Point on Parabola Axis to Draw 3 Distinct Normals – Conic Sections

conic sections

The question is this:

For the parabola: $$ (x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 = \left(\dfrac{x+y} {\sqrt2}\right)^2 $$
what is the condition on the point $(h,h)$ (which lies on the axis of
the parabola) that $3$ distinct normals can be drawn from it to the parabola?

Now, I have this doubt: from any point (inside the axis) on the axis we can draw three normals to the parabola (no concrete proof, just visualisation), right? So isn't this question wrong?

Best Answer

After all the discussion in the comments part we have, perhaps, the solution to the edited question:

From a point on the parabola's axis it is possible to draw three different normals to the parabola iff the point is contained ("inside") the parabola but it is not the parabola's vertex (which could be considered not to be "inside" the parabola, anyway...but it's better, imo, to be thorough here and mention this).

Added: Thanks to one of the last comments of Henning below this answer, it is possible to see that the $\,y-$intercept of any normal to $\,y=x^2\,$ is $\,\frac12+a^2\;$ , from where it follows that no point on the parabola's axis and inside the parabola can have $\,y-$intercept $\,\le\frac12\;$ and have any hope of being one of the wanted points from which three normals to the parabola can be drawn!