[Math] condition for compatible connection on a Riemannian manifold


Prove that connection $\nabla $ on a Riemannian manifold $M$ is compatible with metric iff


for every smooth vector fields $X,Y,Z$.

I am confused about how to prove compatibility from this equation. Any help is appreciated it. By my text it should be obvious (Do Carmo).

Best Answer

This is somewhat delicate to do with complete detail and involves exactly the kind of issues on which Do Carmo doesn't bother to expand.

Let $\gamma : [0,1] \rightarrow M$ be a smooth curve and let $P,P'$ be two smooth parallel vector fields along $\gamma$. Define $f(t) = g(P(\gamma(t)), P'(\gamma(t)))$. The function $f : [0,1] \rightarrow M$ is smooth. We will show that the derivative $f'(t)$ is identically zero.

Let $t_0 \in [0,1]$. Choose some vector field $Z \in \Gamma(M)$ such that $Z(\gamma(t_0)) = \dot{\gamma}(t_0)$. Consider three cases:

(1) $\dot{\gamma}(t_0) \neq 0$. Then, for small enough $\epsilon > 0$, the image $\gamma([t_0 - \epsilon, t_0 + \epsilon])$ is an embedded compact submanifold of $M$ with boundary. This implies that $P,P'$ (restricted to the image) are defined on a compact submanifold of $M$ and so can be extended to vector fields $X,X' \in \Gamma(M)$, defined $\textbf{globally}$ on $M$, such that $X(\gamma(t)) = P(\gamma(t)), X'(\gamma(t)) = P'(\gamma(t))$ for $t \in [t_0 - \epsilon, t_0 + \epsilon]$. Thus, $$ f'(t_0) = \dot{\gamma}(t_0)g(X,X') = \left. Zg(X,X')\right|_{p=\gamma(t_0)} = \left. g(\nabla_Z X, X')\right|_{p=\gamma(t_0)} + \left. g(X, \nabla_Z X')\right|_{p=\gamma(t_0)} = g(\left. \frac{DP}{dt} \right|_{t=t_0}, X'(\gamma(t_0))) + g(X(\gamma(t_0)), \left. \frac{DP'}{dt} \right|_{t=t_0}) = 0. $$

(2) $\dot{\gamma}(t_0) = 0$, but there is a sequence $t_n \rightarrow t_0$ such that $\dot{\gamma}(t_n) \neq 0$. For example, you can think about a curve $\gamma$ that traces a line segment from $t = 0$ to $t_0 = \frac{1}{2}$, slows down smoothly as $t$ approaches $\frac{1}{2}$, and then turns back on its trace. In this case, you can't necessarily extend the vector fields $P, P'$ to $\textbf{global}$ vector fields, but you get from continuity of $f'$ and from the previous analysis that $f'(t_0) = 0$.

(3) $\dot{\gamma}(t) \equiv 0$ in a neighborhood of $t_0$. This implies that $\gamma(t)$ is constant around $t_0$. Since parallel transport along a constant curve is constant, the function $f(t)$ itself is constant around $t_0$ and in particular $f'(t_0) = 0$.

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