[Math] Condition for 3 complex numbers to represent an equilateral triangle

complex numbersgeometry

$z_1$, $z_2$, and $z_3$ are 3 complex numbers. Prove that if they represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle then $z_1 + \omega z_2 + \omega^2 z_3 = 0$ where $\omega$ is a 3rd root of unity.
Any help would be thoroughly appreciated.

Best Answer

Hint: Consider the expression $a = z_1 + \omega z_2 + \omega^2 z_3$. It is invariant under translation ($(z_1,z_2,z_3) \mapsto (z_1+z,z_2+z,z_3+z)$) since $1+\omega+\omega^2=0$, and it is homogeneous, that is $a(zz_1,zz_2,zz_3) = za(z_1,z_2,z_3)$. Since all equilateral triangles can be transformed to one another using translation and rotation/scaling (the operation corresponding to multiplying all points by some complex number), it is enough to prove the result for some fixed equilateral triangle. Choose one and do the math.

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