[Math] Concave function between $0$ and $1$


Im looking for different concave function between $[0,1]$ which is continuous and differentiable. The function value should be $0$ at $0$ and $1$ at $1$.

one such function is $2x – x^2$

Best Answer

Take any continuous, negative function $f$. Integrating $f$ twice, you obtain $F$. Then consider $G(x) = F(x)+ax+b$, where $a$ and $b$ are chosen so as to ensure your boundary conditions. Then $G$ is a possible answer (by doing so, I believe you would find all such $C^2$ functions).

Take $f(x) = -x^2$. Then

$f_1(x) = \int_0^xf(y)dy = -\frac{x^3}3$


$F(x) = \int_0^xf_1(y)dy = -\frac{x^4}{12}.$

Accounting for the BC leads to

$G(x) = -\dfrac{x^4}{12}+\dfrac{13x}{12}$

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