[Math] Computing the multiplicative inverse for point addition on an elliptic curve


I'm trying to perform point addition on an elliptic for two points taken from an example in the book "Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar & Jan Pelzl".

The points I'm trying to add are:

on the curve:
$$E:y^2\equiv x^3+2x +2 \mod 17$$

I know from the book that the result should be:
but I can't figure out how to arrive at that result, however I think my issue is the way I calculate the inverse for s:
$$s=y_{2}-y_{1}\cdot(x_{2}-x_{1})^{-1}\mod p$$
$$s=1-13 \cdot (5 -16)^{-1}=-12 \cdot (-11)^{-1} \mod 17$$

I calculate $(-11)^{-1}\mod 17$ using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm as follows:

i& r_{i-2} & r_{i}=[s_{i}]r_{0}+[t_{i}]r_{1} \\ \hline
2 & 17=-1 \cdot -11 + 6 & r_{2}=17+1 \cdot -11 \\ \hline
3 & -11=-1 \cdot 6 – 5 & r_{3}=-11+1\cdot 6 = -11 + 1\cdot r_{2} = [1] \cdot 17 + [2] \cdot -11\\ \hline
4 & 6 = -1 \cdot -5 + 1 & r_{4}= 6 + 1 \cdot -5 = r_{2} + 1 \cdot r_{3} = [2] \cdot 17 + [3] \cdot -11
I don't get the correct point using my calculated inverse, $3$, i do however get the correct result using the result from Modular inverse calculator which is $-14$, which is why i believe my inverse calculation is incorrect.

Best Answer

By doing the calculations:

$$s=\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}} \mod p = (y_{2}-y_{1}) \cdot (x_{2}-x_{1})^{-1} \mod p$$ $$s=(1-13) \cdot 3 = -12 \cdot 3 = -36 \equiv 15 \mod 17$$

I could calculate $x_{3}$: $$x_{3}=s^{2} - x_{1} - x_{2} \mod p$$ $$x_{3}=15^{2}-16-5 = 204 \equiv 0 \mod 17$$ and then calculate $y_{3}$: $$y_{3}=s(x_{1}-x_{3})-y_{1} \mod p$$ $$y_{3}=15\cdot(16-0)-13 = 227 \equiv 6 \mod 17$$ and see that I indeed get $7P=(0,6)$ as expected, and that $3$ and $-14$ behave equivalent $\mod 17$.

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