[Math] Compute the left and right cosets of $H$ and $N$ in $D_8$


For $D_8$, the dihedral group of symmetries of the square with generators $r,s,$. Consider the subgroups $H = \langle s \rangle = \{e,s\}$ and $N = \{e,r^2,s,sr^2\}$ (you may assume without proof that $H$ and $N$ are indeed groups)

I already have the solution for this problem, but I just want an explanation for why they're the solution.

This is the solution provided:

Left cosets of $H$ in $D_8$:

$eH = sH = H$

$rH = sr^3H = \{r,sr^3\}$

$r^2H = sr^2H = \{r^2,sr^2\}$

$r^3H = srH = \{r^3,sr\}$

Right cosets of $H$ in $D_8$:

$He = Hs = H$

$Hr = Hsr = \{r,sr\}$

$Hr^2 = Hsr^2 = \{r^2,sr^2\}$

$Hr^3 = Hsr^3 = \{r^3,sr^3\}$

Left cosets of $N$ in $D_8$:

$eN = r^2N = sN = sr^2N = N$

$rN = r^3N = srN = sr^3N = \{r,r^3,sr^3,sr\}$

Right cosets of $N$ in $D_8$:

$Ne = Nr^2 = Ns = Nsr^2 = N$

$Nr = Nr^3 = Ndr = Nsr^3 = \{r,r^3,sr,sr^3\}$

An explanation of this would be amazing, thanks.

Best Answer

If $K\subseteq G$ is a subgroup, then we define $gK=\{gk\mid k\in K\}$ to be a left coset of $K.$

Since $K\subseteq G$ is a subgroup, then the order of $K$ divides the order of $G$ (by Lagrange's theorem). That is to say, the number of distinct cosets determined by $K\subseteq G$ is precisely $\frac{|G|}{|K|}.$ The rest, as you have in your problem statement, is a matter of sitting down and writing out some direct computation. What I have stated about the number of distinct cosets is what tells you've written down all of the cosets you can.

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