[Math] Composite Linear Transformations

linear algebratransformationvector-spaces

Give an explicit example of a pair of linear transformations $T : V \to W$ and $S : W \to U$ between vector spaces $V$, $W$, and $U$, so that neither $T$ nor $S$ is the zero linear transformation, but the composition
$ST$ is the zero linear transformation.

Hint: What’s the relationship between the range of $T$ and the kernel of $S$?

I am struggling with this problem. Using the rank nullity theorem, I found that the range of $T$ as well as the the kernel of $S$ should have the same dimension as the domain of $T$. However, I'm confused as how to proceed from there. Any tips are appreciated!

Best Answer

Hint: Define $T$ such that its image is contained in the kernel of $S$.

Take $V=\langle v\rangle$ one-dimensional generated by $v$.

Take $W=\langle w_1,w_2\rangle$ two-dimensional generated by $w_1,w_2$.

Take $U=\langle u_1,u_2\rangle$ two-dimensional generated by $u_1,u_2$.

Define $T(v)=w_1$ and $S(w_1)=0, S(w_2)=u_1$ and extend them by linearity.