Category Theory – Composing Functors with Natural Transformations


So I'm doing a project in Category Theory. I fully understand natural transformations and functors, but what does it mean to compose them, for example in the monad axioms where you have something like $GF\eta \circ G\epsilon F = 1$ etc. What exactly is $F\eta$?

Best Answer

Given functors $$\mathcal{A} \xrightarrow{F} \mathcal{B} \overset{G}{\underset{H}{\rightrightarrows}} \mathcal{C} \xrightarrow{K} \mathcal{D}$$ and a natural transformation $\alpha : G \to H$, we can define $\alpha_F$ (also written $\alpha F$) and $K\alpha$ as follows:

  • $\alpha_F : G \circ F \to H \circ F$ is the natural transformation whose components are given by $(\alpha_F)_A = \alpha_{FA}$ for $A \in \mathcal{A}$;
  • $K\alpha : K \circ G \to K \circ H$ is the natural transformation whose components are given by $(K\alpha)_B = K(\alpha_B)$ for $B \in \mathcal{B}$.

So here, for example, $F\eta : F \to F \circ G \circ F$ has components $(F\eta)_B = F(\eta_B) : FA \to FGFB$.

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